When: Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Where: Via Premier Virtual
Fall Virtual Hire Up: College Recruiting Event
Company Registration | Job Seeker Registration | Prep Sessions
Looking to recruit the next generation of top technology talent for part and full-time positions or internships? The Pittsburgh Technology Council's Hire UP is the place to be. Hire UP convenes top students from all Pittsburgh colleges and universities, including Pitt and Carnegie Mellon along with other job seekers, for a one-day only job fair.
Students studying information technology, robotics, engineering, computer science, traditional sciences, and more will be looking to learn about opportunities at your company. Space is limited, so please register today.
If you are recruiting for tech talent or looking for a career in tech, you need to be at Hire UP!
When: November 3, 2021 | 4:00PM to 7:00PM
Where: Virtually via Premier Virtual
Hiring Companies Participating
FedEx Ground
PGT Trucking Inc.
Earn Staffing
SESCO Enterprises
Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc.
Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission
Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, LLP
SDLC Partners L.P.
Duquesne Light Company
Oxford Solutions
Matthews International
What does the Hire UP look like in a virtual setting?
The Hire UP Virtual Career Fair provides an opportunity for employers and job seekers to connect through both chat and video, and network online. For employers seeking to expand their pipeline of tech talent, the Hire UP event is and time efficient solution to recruitment efforts.
How does it work?
HR teams and recruiters?can participate online from anywhere in the world, eliminating travel costs while providing the opportunity to screen and recruit applicants. We have partnered with Premier Virtual as the online platform to deliver this event.
Your company will receive a personal chat room?to connect virtually with candidates, including the option to conduct video interviews. Unlimited number of recruiters may attend chat sessions.
You can post an unlimited number of jobs, search participant resumes, invite pre-selected candidates to your chat room, and capture the resumes of talented applicants. You will also be invited to create a video highlighting the D & I initiatives implemented at your company.
After registering your organization to participate, you will be given access to create and customize your own booth to showcase your organization’s brand.
What companies should host a booth?
• Companies looking to virtually recruit top technology talent from the universities in our region.
• Companies looking to find active and passive candidates
• Companies looking to brand themselves as a top place to work for technology professionals
*Companies that are walking the talk and actively implementing D&I policies
What type of candidate is invited to attend?
This event is targeted for entry-level talent and junior/senior year students. Your registration is FREE. The main purpose of the event is for employers to recruit technical talent.? Non-technical talent may attend, and employers may post non-technical jobs, however the focus is on tech roles.
• Candidates seeking Full-time, Part-time, and Internships
• Recruit graduate and undergraduate talent
• Candidates seeking remote/telecommuting/online jobs
Booth Pricing for Companies:
$350 | PTC Members
$399 | PHRA (Pittsburgh Human Resources Association) or AACCWP (African American Chamber) Members - Email tbombalski@pghtech.org for this rate
$600 | Non Members
FREE | Job Seekers - Register Here
Don’t miss these exciting, free events leading up the Virtual Hire Up event! For more details and to register, visit the links below:
Employers and Recruiters:
Employers Integration of Co-Ops and Internships - A Student's Perspective
When: November 1, 2021 | 4:00PM to 5:00PM
Where: Via Zoom
Students, University/College Career Services, and Job Seekers:
International Students: Navigating Your Next Steps
When: November 1, 2021 | 12:00PM to 1:00PM
Where: Via Zoom
Hire Up Prep Session: How to Present Yourself
When: November 2, 2021 | 4:00PM to 5:00PM
Where: Via Zoom
Contact Information:
For content or logistics questions - Marie Pelloni, Director of Talent Attraction and STEM Development, mpelloni@pghtech.org
For registration questions - Megan Colf, Assistant Director of Special Events and Programs, mcolf@pghtech.org
For sponsorship questions - Ashley Steckel, Director of Business Development and Advertising, asteckel@pghtech.org
For membership questions - Ryan Gent, Membership Director, rgent@pghtech.org