The non-profit arm of the Pittsburgh Technology Council.
Fortyx80, the non-profit arm of the Pittsburgh Technology Council, is supported through grants made by foundations, the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, Educational Improvement Tax Credits, and seed funding from the Pittsburgh Technology Council. Startups in our region face challenges on their way to becoming anchor companies such as funding, market reach, entrepreneur experience, and availability of talent. In an effort to address these needs, Fortyx80 focuses on investing in the innovative ideas of Pittsburgh’s creative thinkers starting with our youngest minds. Fortyx80 is dedicated to supporting the entrepreneurs, workforce development, and the education efforts of our region.
Our mission is to strengthen the region’s entrepreneurial framework through increased access to capital, educational programming, and nurturing pathways to technology talent with the goal of promoting southwestern PA. By focusing on helping local entrepreneurs and start-ups, expanding our offerings to include STEM learning and experiential opportunities for students, and working to bridge current workforce talent gaps, Fortyx80 is growing to help everyone succeed.
1. To assist Pittsburgh’s entrepreneurs with global resources to fuel a vibrant economy. Learn more.
2. To connect our region’s students and educators with innovation companies to guide the future of tomorrow’s workforce. Learn more.
3. To provide training opportunities to nontraditional jobseekers to gain access and skills needed to fill IT job roles. Learn more.
Startups in our region face challenges including funding, market reach, entrepreneur experience, and talent availability. The Pittsburgh Technology Council and Fortyx80’s Venture Insights is a FREE program that invests in fresh ideas and supports underrepresented tech entrepreneurs.
Our program supports you at any stage:
Learn more:
By Office Hour Drop in: Every Tuesday 2-3 pm ET
By Appointment: Schedule a meeting through Calendly
By Email: You may email any questions about Venture Insights to our Entrepreneurship and Workforce Development Program Coordinator, Julie Bautista:
Complete our Mentor Questionnaire
FortyX80 is seeking your support to fund our operational costs while developing and offering talent and workforce development programs and STEM engagement programs focused on accelerating the achievement of underserved students in our region.
We target a minimum of 50 regional school districts from the 13-county region of southwestern Pennsylvania leveraging the benefits of our five programs along with the direct engagement of 1,500 to 2,000 students. Our events host students and teachers from over 150 different school districts, some of which have 35% of their student population living below the poverty line. In these districts with limited resources, exposure to programs that develop career readiness and encourage interest in exciting, high paying STEM careers works to improve the futures of our students.
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