When: February 27, 2025
Where: Franklin Integrated Interiors
Join us for a unique hiring event!
Job Seekers | Showcase your experience, come to network and explore opportunities with our feature employers, ranging from fast growing startups to our region's largest companies.
Employers | Space is limited, only featuring 10 employers! Each employer can bring up to 4 recruiters to pitch your organization, network, engage with skilled candidates, screen experienced level talent, and make plans for next steps in the interview process.
Refreshments included!
3:45 PM | Registration Opens
4:00 PM | Welcome and Employer Brand Pitch
5:00-7:00 PM | Networking continues along with Company Breakouts & Screening
7:00 PM | Event Ends
Employers: Early Bird: $600 Member & / $1,500 Non-Member (Until January 15th)
Employers: Regular: $700 Member & / $2,000 Non-Member
Staffing Firms: $1,000 Member & / $2,500 Non-Member
Featured Employers:
Event Partner:
Recruiting candidates for the following roles:
Contact Information:
For registration questions: Lauren Lowen, Event Coordinator, llowen@pghtech.org
For sponsorship questions: Ashley Steckel, Director of Business Development and Advertising, asteckel@pghtech.org