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CGI Details Its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Practices

Submitted by CGI

As a professional services firm, CGI takes great pride in helping clients navigate various opportunities and challenges. Through our end-to-end services, we help them harness the responsible use of technology to benefit the customers and citizens. We use these same services to continuously advance our own Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices, which are key to achieving long-term business value for our stakeholders, including:

  • Serving as a partner and expert of choice for our clients
  • Providing an empowering environment for our consultants and professionals
  • Being an investment of choice for our shareholders
  • Engaging as an ethical and responsible corporate citizen

Our ESG commitment is rooted in our core values through projects delivered in collaboration with clients and through operating practices, supply chain management and community services projects.

For the second consecutive year, CGI achieved a Platinum rating from EcoVadis for our Sustainability Performance, placing us in the top 1% of companies within the EcoVadis network. We were pleased once again to earn EcoVadis’ highest rating in recognition of the evidence-based results achieved through our sustainable business practices.

Highlights of our performance from the year include:


In line with our climate strategy and commitment to achieving net zero, we continued our progress in reducing GHG emissions. From 2019 to 2023, we reduced business travel emissions by 38% and carbon intensity per employee by 48%, despite the growth of our workforce.

We are committed to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Underpinned by science, we will set absolute reduction targets for all emissions, including through our supply chain. We will set our near-term targets and define our new roadmap with net reduction targets aligned with the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C objective.

This year, we reached our milestone of 100% of Scope 2 data centers powered by renewable electricity. This important progress is possible due to the strong commitment of our teams worldwide. We are actively transitioning more offices to renewable energy and integrating climate impacts into our real estate decisions.


As a global consulting company whose people are our greatest asset, we actively support a culture that focuses on their well-being and development. Once again, we increased our investment in training our people, particularly in areas of innovation such as the responsible use of artificial intelligence (AI).

Guided by our core value of respect, our Management Foundation - which aligns our operations through common principles, processes, and frameworks - and our global and local responsibilities, we continue to grow our diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) engagements and commitments. By combining our DE&I strategy and the diversity of our people and geographies, we continually progress toward our quantified DE&I targets. In addition to championing digital inclusion for all, we remain committed to engaging with underrepresented groups through education initiatives to help individuals find promising careers in IT.

To continue empowering our people to impact the communities where they live and work, we completed the global rollout of our CGI for Good community collaboration tool. As a result, all our consultants and professionals can more easily identify and engage in pro bono or volunteer projects.

In Pittsburgh, CGI is proud to engage in ESG activities and community partnerships. We are committed to fostering the next generation's interest in technology through our flagship programs, The IT Girl Challenge and the PENS Tech Academy.

Our IT Girl Challenge, now in its fifth year, pairs high school students with mentors to guide them through the process and technology of creating an app. Industry leaders judge the projects with the winning team receives a $20,000 scholarship.

To continue empowering our people to impact the communities where they live and work, we completed the global rollout of our CGI for Good community collaboration tool. As a result, all our consultants and professionals can more easily identify and engage in pro bono or volunteer projects.

The PENS Tech Academy, our partnership with the Pittsburgh Penguins, is in its third year. More than 120 CGI members and Penguins employees have volunteered, reaching over 200 students in six counties in Western Pennsylvania. This program showcases career opportunities in Pittsburgh, whether with the Penguins or as future technologists at CGI.

Additionally, we partner with the local community through various initiatives. Our annual  Field Day Competition is a 4-week health and wellness challenge with the American Heart Association, raising funds to fight heart disease and promote healthy habits among  employees.

In collaboration with our Veterans Member Resource Group, we held a chili and curry competition to benefit the Fisher House. Our Black Member Alliance Member Resource Group will host a blood drive for the American Red Cross in September for Sickle Cell Awareness Month. Our Women’s Forum Member Resource Group hosted a successful fundraiser for No Kid Hungry.

These programs demonstrate CGI’s commitment to improving the communities where we work and live, combining our technical expertise with social responsibility.


As an industry leader in many geographies, we embrace our responsibility to engage in ethical business practices and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. We are committed to high standards and to deploying our digital services and solutions responsibly. This includes adherence to best practices in AI, cybersecurity, data privacy, and data protection.

As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), we align our ESG best practices with UNGC principles, particularly regarding respect for human rights throughout our operations and supply chain. This year, we published our first global statement on modern slavery to reiterate our commitment to tackling forced labor, child labor, and human trafficking. We pledge to strengthen our supplier risk mitigation process, and to communicate our progress transparently.

This 2023 ESG report illustrates a year of ongoing progress toward meeting the commitments of each ESG pillar. We would like to thank our clients, consultants and professionals, shareholders, and community partners for working together in pursuit of our ESG goals. We recognize their contributions to benefit our shared communities' economic, social, and environmental well-being.