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Member Profile: Julianne L. Baron, Ph.D., CPH, RBP, of Science and Safety Consulting

Pittsburgh Technology Council

Julianne Barron Science and Safety ConsultingJulianne L. Baron, Ph.D., CPH, RBP, founded Science and Safety Consulting, LLC (S&SC) as a consulting firm that specializes in biosafety, biorisk management, public health, emergency preparedness and scientific communication. S&SC provides reliable, factual guidance to help support clients in conducting their research activities safely, designing their laboratories safely, and ensuring safety plan and program compliance.

The Tech Council loves getting an in-depth look at our member companies and how they are finding success in Pittsburgh and beyond. Here’s what Dr. Baron had to say:

Tech Council: Tell us a little about your background and how you came to found Science and Safety Consulting.

Julianne Baron: I am a Pittsburgh native who has been interested in diseases and public health since I was very young. I obtained my PhD in Infectious Diseases and Microbiology at the University of Pittsburgh’s Graduate School of Public Health. I then completed the National Biosafety and Biocontainment Training Program postdoctoral fellowship at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, MD. It was there that I was able to combine my interests in biomedical research, public health, and technical writing into a career path.

Early in the pandemic, I noticed there was a need for credible biosafety and public health resources. I started Science and Safety Consulting because I felt passionate about helping organizations and individuals both learn more about COVID-19 and conduct research safely with the virus that causes it.

Tech Council: Give us more details about your key services and the kinds of clients you typically work with.

JB: I support organizations with their biological safety and biorisk management programs by performing gap analyses, risk assessments, reviewing and creating safety plans and standard operating procedures, and providing specialized training. I work with clients during the laboratory design process by facilitating design conversations with architectural and engineering firms and reviewing proposed lab layouts for safety and process flow of work and waste disposal. I provide virtual and hands-on training relating to safety, public health, infectious diseases, and emergency preparedness. I write articles, white papers, and guidance documents on biosafety, laboratory equipment, and public health topics.

I work with many different industries including biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, universities, biomedical research institutions, non-profit organizations, governmental agencies, public health laboratories, equipment manufacturers and architectural and engineering firms.

Tech Council: How did the pandemic draw more attention to the importance of what you do?

JB: The pandemic has really shined a light on high containment laboratory research and public health in general. Many companies have built and continue to build new laboratories to support research with emerging pathogens and need the specially designed laboratories and biosafety programs to perform that work safely. Additionally, public health has become more visible and there is increased focus on expanding the capability to respond to disease threats as well as to communicate information better to the general public.

Tech Council: What would you say are your biggest opportunities for growth?

JB: One of my biggest opportunities for growth is to increase my brand recognition and visibility, including making sure that potential client organizations know about my company, what industries I work with, and what services I am able to provide. This would allow them, if and when they have a need, to know that there is a reliable, small business that can provide the biosafety support, laboratory design review, specialized training and scientific writing services they may be seeking.

The pandemic has really shined a light on high containment laboratory research and public health in general. Many companies have built and continue to build new laboratories to support research with emerging pathogens and need the specially designed laboratories and biosafety programs to perform that work safely.

Tech Council: What makes Pittsburgh a great place to build your business?

JB: Pittsburgh has been a giant in biomedical research and is a very attractive place for organizations in the life sciences to call home. Pittsburgh has a very tight knit entrepreneurial community, especially in the life sciences. Making those connections and becoming known in this community has been somewhat difficult for me as someone starting out building a business here, although everyone I’ve met thus far has been supportive. I am actively working towards meeting other entrepreneurs in Pittsburgh in all sectors and am very interested in becoming more involved with other entrepreneurs and organizations in my field.

Tech Council: What other passions do you have outside of building your business?

JB: Outside of building my business, I enjoy reading and learning new things especially about diseases and public health and attending events to connect with other women in the sciences. I also like to relax at home and travel when I get the opportunity to do so.