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40 Stories: Cara Jones and Erick Rigby of Marinus Analytics

In a world where technology can sometimes feel overwhelming, Marinus Analytics stands as a beacon of hope, demonstrating how cutting-edge tools can be used to tackle the darkest corners of society. Founded on the principles of innovation and social responsibility, this Pittsburgh-based company is changing the way law enforcement and non-profit organizations fight human trafficking.

Through their flagship AI-powered platform, Traffic Jam, Marinus Analytics empowers law enforcement to quickly identify and rescue victims of human trafficking. Their sophisticated algorithms analyze massive amounts of data from online sources, reducing search times from weeks to just minutes. This is not just about speed—it's about saving lives.

Cara Jones and Erick Rigby of Marinus Analytics emphasized the critical role that AI and big data play in making a real-world impact. “It’s about making information actionable,” said the team, explaining how their tools help agencies sift through massive digital content to find patterns that point to trafficking networks. Their mission goes beyond just law enforcement. The company collaborates with non-profits and international organizations to build solutions that can be scaled globally.

One of the most exciting aspects of their work is their continued innovation. Marinus Analytics is exploring ways to leverage facial recognition technology to reunite missing children with their families and develop new features to combat other forms of exploitation.

As tech continues to evolve, so too does Marinus Analytics' commitment to using it for good. Their work underscores the potential for AI to not only solve complex problems but to bring justice and protection to those who need it most. In a field where time is of the essence, Marinus Analytics is giving heroes on the front lines the tools they need to save lives, one rescue at a time.

Looking ahead, the team at Marinus is exploring other AI applications to extend their reach beyond human trafficking. Their relentless drive to innovate reflects their deep commitment to empowering individuals and agencies fighting for a safer world.

Marinus Analytics' journey shows that tech isn't just about efficiency—it's about empathy.

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40 Stories is a special series celebrating the Pittsburgh Technology Council’s 40th anniversary through the diverse stories of our members, old and new. It is sponsored with the generous support of DQE, UPMC Health Plan and Faros Properties!