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40 Stories: Trish Geibel of Genesis 10

The word “genesis” suggests the concept of new beginnings, which is something that Genesis10 offers in spades. A technology staffing and consulting services firm, Genesis10 is also a certified DOBE (Disability-Owned Business Enterprise) with resources to train those without prior tech education to become software and data engineers.

The Tech Council’s Jonathan Kersting recently spoke with Senior Business Development Executive Trish Geibel about the company’s support for women in tech and her thoughts on Pittsburgh’s potential to grow:

JK: Tell me about Genesis10!

GEIBEL: Genesis10 has been around since 1999, so we’re celebrating our 25th anniversary. We’ve also supported the Greater Pittsburgh Area for that long, but I’m the first person from the company who lives here. I’ve been with Genesis10 for a couple of months but have worked in the Pittsburgh tech sector for almost a decade.

JK:Can you tell me about some of the talent that your company helps to place?

GEIBEL: The types of talent that we place span across a lot of different sectors within tech, like infrastructure, project management, software, development, data, AI, and more.  

JK:Genesis10 is supportive of diverse talent and women in tech, especially moms.

Trish Geibel, Genesis 10GEIBEL: The reason that I came to Genesis10 is that everyone I met with was exceptional. They’re intelligent, compassionate, and empathetic. There are also a lot of women leaders in the organization who are moms – I am a new mom, too. 

JK:There are not enough women working in tech! Tell us about how your company works in that regard.

GEIBEL: The percentage of women in tech in the U.S. is startling, at only 26%. So, we created a program called Dev10 that allows people who are maybe mid-career and didn’t get a degree in technology to get training from us in-house. We pay them while they train, and then place them in positions in different regions. Our stats are 35% women, which I’m pretty proud of.

JK:You’ve been in the Pittsburgh tech sector for 10 years now. Do you have any predictions for the city’s growth trajectory?

GEIBEL: Pittsburgh is the third largest small market for talent. Over the years a bunch of companies have come here, and I feel like we’re just going to keep growing.

JK: Why did you join the Tech Council?

GEIBEL: The core of our business is staying ahead of the trends. I think that the Tech Council is a great organization that offers so much, going above and beyond a lot of other organizations. You make us feel at home, recognize tech leaders, and support the community.

Connect with Trish Geibel and Genesis 10

40 Stories is a special series celebrating the Pittsburgh Technology Council’s 40th anniversary through the diverse stories of our members, old and new. It is sponsored with the genrous support of DQE, UPMC Health Plan and Faros Properties!