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How Security & Compliance Challenges Can Be Mitigated Using Intelligent Automation

We’ve discussed approaching your business’ workflows using Intelligent Automation. Automating is key to staying ahead in business, but business sectors where regulation, security and government compliance are at the forefront of the business’ everyday functions can have difficulty automating. Government agencies, healthcare sectors and any website dealing with billing or payment must ensure superior security and compliance within their programs to protect the sensitive information of their clients. We’ll outline the following: – Common struggles with security and compliance systems – How automation can quash these struggles – How to take the first steps in automating your security and compliance processes 5 Common Struggles with Security Compliance Security and compliance are becoming more important and relevant for modern businesses. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to stay above the water line when it comes to digital security. Building and maintaining a robust operating system is key to any business that wants to ensure the privacy and safety of its clients. The reason data breaches have become so prominent is because of an increase in hacking and IT vulnerability. Obviously, you can’t stop people from hacking, but you can build an invulnerable OS. Here are five common failures of many IT systems that can make your business another data breach statistics. Under-maintained OS. Whichever system you choose to use in your business to comply with security standards, if it isn’t being maintained and constantly updated, you’re in danger of a leak. And leaks lead to big problems for your business. Unnoticed Data Loss. If a minor leak does occur, you’re going to want to be the first to know so you can patch that leak before it becomes something bigger. Untested Securitization. You want to be constantly auditing and testing the security measures in all of your operating systems. Outdated anti-malware technology. Anti-malware is absolutely necessary despite the bad rep it gets. Though systems can be incomplete, they’re better than nothing. Not encrypting sensitive information When you send an email or share files, make sure you’re using encryption. If it’s in transition, it needs to be encrypted. All of these are issues businesses concerned with compliance and privacy insurance struggle with. The constant maintenance and monitoring required for a truly robust system can drag a business down costing untold time, money and manpower. How Automation Can Help Intelligent automation can be programmed to update your OS, making sure that your system itself is conducive to a maintained and organized workflow that holds data securely. This can itself prevent data loss; however, if something does happen, an automated system can be programmed with the ability to monitor itself. This leaves you with a head start in fixing any problems and patching any leaks. Beyond the self-maintenance and monitoring abilities of intelligent automation software, it can also be used to bolster other compliance systems. For example, automated software can be used to both centralize and maintain anti-malware technology being used. A centralized system means a more unified defense against attacks as well as a more organized system for maintenance -- both of which mean a more secure system for your business. How to get started automating your compliance systems Before you begin, you need to build a digital transformation framework. A digital transformation framework is essentially a roadmap to the entire automation process. It will outline the systems and workflows currently being performed to ensure compliance and how these may be automated to cut costs. A good digital transformation framework will also include a plan to centralize any system to cut down on complexity and disorganization — the enemies to security. *