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Building Communities through Infrastructure


1)	S&B USA employees removed invasive plant species at the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy Transportation infrastructure networks play a vital role in connecting individuals, goods, and services, so the ongoing maintenance and construction of these networks is supremely important.  

With its national headquarters located in Nova Place, S&B USA (through its subsidiary, Fay) has been a staple of the region’s construction scene for over 75 years. Fay has built iconic landmarks such as the casino amphitheater, the Water Steps, the Convention Center, the Civic Arena, and the North Shore Promenade. Currently, S&B USA is responsible for constructing the roads and bridges for Pittsburgh International Airport’s Terminal Modernization Program, as well as replacing the Beaver River Bridge on I-76, the PA Turnpike’s single-largest bridge replacement project to date.

Like every industry, heavy civil construction is being redefined by new, cutting-edge technologies.

Evolving Technology

Many of S&B USA’s excavators and bulldozers are equipped with GPS technology. This allows equipment operators to measure the exact position of the bucket to make sure they don’t over-dig. According to Jason Tosi, Construction Technology Coordinator, “some of the machines even have a semi-automatic function where the GPS carries the grade for the operator so they can focus on loading trucks more efficiently.” The introduction of these excavators into the fleet has improved accuracy when completing earthwork, increased efficiency, allowed for safer excavation, and achieved greater consistency.

Drones have also become must-have construction equipment in recent years. Not only do they capture aerial photos of projects, but they also survey projects to ensure elevation levels and serve as an additional tool to ensure that new structures are being constructed according to plan.

New Beaver River Bridge being constructed adjacent to the current bridge.Joe Martincic, a Project Engineer who flies drones, explains that “the Beaver River Bridge project spans 270 acres and involves 1.8 million cubic yards of dirt, which is the equivalent of roughly two Empire State Buildings . For a surveyor to cover a project that size on foot, it would take a week; the drone can capture the entire project site in three hours.”

The survey maps generated from drone flights are also used to locate utilities and other important project landmarks, allowing field supervisors to find potential design flaws before they become problematic.

In addition to drone and GPS technology, S&B USA has also been piloting the benefits of electric vehicles (EVs). The pilot introduces two fully electric Ford F-150 Lightning trucks into the on-road fleet and monitors vehicle range, charging time, efficiency, safety, and other metrics to determine the best path towards further electrification. EVs have the potential to reduce both carbon emissions and capital expense (when compared to fuel). S&B USA’s preliminary data shows that EVs will produce 50% less emissions per mile with a battery range of over 250 miles, while producing zero tail emissions.

Construction Techniques

In construction, there are many constraints, including busy roadways that must remain open during construction and difficult terrain. Therefore, adaptable and innovative solutions must be implemented.

S&B USA was recently selected to replace the I-376 Commercial Street Bridge, the bridge drivers cross when traveling east through the Squirrel Hill Tunnel. As one of the most heavily traveled highways in Western Pennsylvania, this bridge accommodates nearly 100,000 vehicles daily.

How do you replace such a structure without closing the roadway and snarling traffic for months?

The new bridge will be built using accelerated bridge construction techniques, which involves building the new bridge directly beside the existing structure on a temporary foundation. During construction, the original bridge will remain fully open to the traveling public. Once the new bridge is complete, the original bridge will be closed for a maximum of 25 days. During this closure, S&B USA will demolish the old bridge, slide the new, 9,000-ton bridge over, secure the new bridge into place, and finally open it to traffic. This minimizes impacts on commuters by decreasing route closures and the need for detours.

Project Delivery Models

Historically, most Pennsylvania construction projects have been delivered through a Design-Bid-Build (DBB) process, but there are several different procurement methods that could be utilized to speed delivery, spur innovation, and improve transparency. “For DBB projects, price is the only deciding factor,” explains Scott Rhine, Director of Alternative Delivery. In DBB, the owner works directly with an engineering firm to design the project, and then a construction company is selected based on the lowest bid.

“Unfortunately, a DBB construction model reduces collaborative opportunities between the design and construction teams and prohibits the contractor from preemptively voicing constructability concerns; introducing more cost-effective means and methods; and recommending alternative materials. Thus, cost-savings are often unrealized. Ultimately, DBB procurement methods are becoming less viable for larger projects and this is why other states are embracing alternative delivery methods,” Rhine notes.

There are several types of alternative delivery procurement models, such as Design-Build Best Value, Public-Private Partnerships (P3s) and CMGC. While each have their own unique features and uses, alternative delivery models offer better integration of design and construction, establish clearer project goals, and reduce delivery time and cost.


Because of the availability of federal funding through legislation like the Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act and the Inflation Reduction Act, larger transportation infrastructure projects are now being tackled. This has resulted in an even greater desire and need to utilize alternative delivery procurements.

Some of these projects, such as public-private partnerships (P3s), use specialized tailored financing plans—called a “financing framework.” S&B USA is pioneering a new path by demonstrating that. One such example is the Stormwater Diversion Channel S&B USA is constructing in Fargo-Moorhead, North Dakota, currently the US Army Corps' largest project in the United States. The diversion channel is part of a $3.2 billion comprehensive plan to minimize flooding and reduce flood repair costs by eliminating the need for flood insurance for businesses and residents located in the Fargo-Moorhead area. "In Fargo, our unique and innovative financing solution allowed all loans, notes, and bonds to be certified as ‘green’ by Sustainalytics to fund direct investment in infrastructure to reduce the potential devastating consequences of river flooding in the Fargo-Moorhead area in alignment with climate adaptation and resilience goals,” explains Lucas Lahitou, S&B's Head of Origination and Structuring. "This project is the first use case of a green financing framework for a P3 project in the United States, where all components of the financing were designated as “green.”

Safety is Paramount

 At S&B USA, employees are its most valuable resource. To ensure employees safety, S&B USA keeps up with the latest safety developments. Implementing simple changes like switching from hard hats to helmets with chin straps has proven effective. Chris Reefer, S&B’s VP of Health and Safety shared: “Traditional hard hats provide great protection if an object falls on an individual from above, but the new safety helmets offer better, more secure protection for the sides and back of the head.”

S&B USA is currently conducting a pilot program to gauge reception of this new style for a probable company-wide shift.


Sharon Novak, CEO of S&B USA is constantly looking towards the future. "The importance of resilient and innovative transportation infrastructure cannot be overstated. S&B USA's commitment to safety, technology, and sustainability positions us as a leader in the heavy civil construction industry. By continuously exploring new methods and investing in the communities we serve, S&B USA not only builds structures but also strengthens the social and economic fabric of the region," states Sharon Novak. “Our employees – more than 250 of which live here locally – work hard every day to build and maintain the transportation networks that support our economy. Given our long history in the region, we’re constantly exploring ways to create new partnerships and invest in the neighborhoods that we call home.”

With a legacy of excellence and a vision for the future, S&B USA will continue to drive progress and connect communities for generations to come.