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TechVibe Radio: RIDC President Don Smith

Interview by Jonathan Kersting

Don Smith, RIDCRegional Industrial Development Corporation (RIDC) President and CEO Don Smith stops by TechVibe Radio this Sunday (7/16) to detail its commitment to transforming industrial spaces into thriving centers for innovation and sustainable development.

Smith overviews RIDC's approach to how revitalizing large, unused properties benefits not only the companies that occupy them, but also the communities in which they are located. By bringing these spaces back to life in unique ways, RIDC promotes economic vitality and supports sustainable growth.

RIDC boasts an impressive portfolio of properties designed specifically for tech companies and the innovation economy. Get updates on Mill 19 and the new Carrie Furnace project that broke ground earlier this year.

Join us on TechVibe Radio to hear the story of how RIDC plays a vital role in supporting economic vitality in the Pittsburgh region.